A week down, three to go..

So we’re finding it more difficult to post than we originally thought! We apologize for that!  But we’ve been in India for 1 week + 1 day and everything has been marvelous: our hosts, the food, the sights, and the shopping! Last night we flew kites on the beach and watched the sun go down over the Arabian Sea.  How awesome is that?!? We’ve done so much all ready its hard to envision what awaits us in the time we have left here.  We’re looking forward to finding out! Please keep checking our blog and leaving the comments and we’ll do our best to keep it updated!

One response to “A week down, three to go..

  1. Glad to hear that you are doing well! I can only imagine how many different things you are expereincing. Just be a sponge and suck up as much as you can…this is once in a life time and such a rewarding experience. You all looked great on the TV appearance.

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